Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day

In honor of St. Patrick's Day this week I'm adding in an extra serving of greens each day--at breakfast. It's been fun merging my breakfast usuals with greens. So far I've put some greens in with eggs (not so unusual) or had them as a side dish (kind of on the scale of forcing them down), but this morning, I got fancy and had some Amaranth hot cereal (any whole grain hot cereal will do) topped with flash steamed greens (leftover from last night) and some fresh avocado slices. I sprinkled a little Gomasio on top, and let me tell you, it was delicious!

So this year for St. Patrick's Day, set your intention to add an extra serving of greens in the morning. And maybe, if you forget to wear green, you can convince the "pinchers" that you're wearing green on the inside!

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